Original Records Online
Alabama Census of Confederate Veterans, 1907, 1921, 1927

Alabama Census of Confederate Veterans, 1907, 1921, 1927

This 13,710 image collection of the Alabama Census of Confederate Veterans for the years 1907, 1921, and 1927 is indexed and searchable. The images are arranged by County for the 1907 and 1927 census, but the 1921 census is arranged by military unit.

The records include information such as date and place of birth and details of military service. The 1921 census also includes the names and post office addresses of living children, date of marriage for the veteran, other states the veteran has lived in and the date the veteran moved to Alabama if he had not always resided there.

Last updated 19 August 2021.

Go to Alabama, Census of Confederate Veterans, 1907, 1921, 1927